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Our hospital is divided into six clinics in which the entire spectrum of psychiatric illnesses is treated. Within the various departments, there are special offers where very differentiated disorder-specific treatments take place and special problems are addressed. The success of treatment is always an overall interdisciplinary effort in close cooperation with the patient.
You will find out which of the many therapy options are suitable for you or for a person close to you in a detailed, personal consultation. Our staff will accompany you closely and provide you with advice and support. For initial contact, please call 0441 9615-0.
Anxiety disorder
Bipolar disorders
Borderline disorders and other personality disorders
Dementia disorders
Psychosomatic diseases
Sleep disorders
Dependence diseases
Stress and pain disorders
Trauma sequelae
The success of treatment is always an interdisciplinary overall performance of our employees from the nursing, medical and therapeutic fields. With their diverse expertise, all psychiatric clinical pictures can be treated in our clinic. A number of very differentiated, specialized and innovative treatment methods are available for this purpose, which have been successfully applied in the Karl Jaspers Clinic for many years.
A selection of our special treatment methods:
A lot of our patients present with physical symptoms need to be clarified. During their stay, concomitant internal diseases must be treated competently. For this purpose, a specialist in internal medicine, dedicated medical-technical assistants and modern equipment (sonography, laboratory, cardiologic and Diagnostics) are available.
Therapeutic services include talk therapy, music therapy, dance and drama therapy, art therapy, occupational therapy, occupational therapy (e.g., gardening).
Well-being and physical movement are closely related. Therefore, physiotherapeutic and movement therapy methods are an integral part of treatment at the Karl Jaspers Clinic. In individual or group treatments, we try to alleviate or eliminate physical complaints and improve physical resources.
In cooperation with the patients and other stakeholders the social service supports the patients during their treatment at the KJK and pllans the time after the discharge.
If necessary, the social service helps to master the return to the familiar living environment or to work out other perspectives. Each ward, day clinic or outpatient clinic is supervised by a social service employee.
One focus of nursing work at the KJK is inpatient companionship, which includes the following:
In all care activities, the focus is on helping patients to help themselves, we always pay attention to the needs of the people entrusted to our care. Our goal is to work on a discharge as soon as possible. This is possible when healthy parts are stabilized or the everyday life is manageable even witht he illness. In this way, the inpatient stay can pave the way for possible outpatient nursing care afterwards.
Depending on the need, the psychiatric care is made up of different diceplines. Many nursing staff are qualified to carry out special psychiatric nursing individual and group offers - these form a further focus of the nursing work in the KJK.